Sabtu, 13 Juli 2024

International Master Program di Indonesia Tahun 2024

Program Internasional S2 dan S3 Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia

Jakarta (BHC) - Indonesia saat ini menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata dunia, termasuk mengenyam pendidikan tinggi.

Maka tak heran, perguruan tinggi menawarkan berbagai jurusan dan program studi Kelas Internasional atau International Undergraduate Program (IUP).

Bukan cuma Program Sarjana (S1) lo, tetapi ada juga untuk Program Master dan Doktor.

Berikut ini Universitas di Indonesia yang menawarkan Kelas Internasional (IUP) untuk Program Magister dan Doktoral tahun 2024;


Faculty of Medicine

  • S3 Medicine
  • S3 Nutrition Science
  • S3 Biomedical Science
  • S2 Medical Education
  • S2 Nutrition Science
  • S2 Accupational Medicine
  • S2 Biomedical Science

Faculty of Dentistry

  • S3 Dentistry
  • S2 Dentistry

Faculty of Engineering

  • S3 Civil Engineering
  • S3 Mechanical Engineering
  • S3 Electrical Engineering
  • S3 Metalurgy and Material Engineering
  • S3 Architecture
  • S3 Chemical Engineering
  • S3 Industrial Engineering
  • S2 Civil Engineering
  • S2 Mechanical Engineering
  • S2 Electrical Engineering
  • S2 Metalurgy and Material Engineering
  • S2 Architecture
  • S2 Chemical Engineering
  • S2 Industrial Engineering
  • S2 Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Public Health

  • S3 Epidemiology
  • S3 Public Health Science
  • S2 Public Health
  • S2 Accupational Health and Safety
  • S2 Hospital Administration
  • S2 Epidemiology

Faculty of Nursing

  • S3 Pharmacy
  • S2 Pharmacy
  • S2 Nursing

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

  • S3 Cemistry
  • S3 Biology
  • S3 Material Science
  • S2 Mathematics
  • S2 Physics
  • S2 Cemistry
  • S2 Biology

Faculty of Computer Science

  • S2 Computer Science
  • S2 Information Technology

Faculty of Law

  • S3 Law
  • S2 Law
  • S2 Notary

Faculty of Economics and Business

  • S2 Economics
  • S2 Accounting
  • S2 Management Science
  • S2 Planning and Public Policy
  • S2 Master of Accounting
  • S2 Master of Population and Labour Economics

Faculty of Psychology

  • S3 Psychology
  • S2 Psychology

Faculty of Humanities

  • S3 Archeology
  • S3 Philosopy
  • S3 History
  • S3 Linguistics
  • S3 Literatura
  • S2 Archeology
  • S2 Philosopy
  • S2 Library Science
  • S2 History
  • S2 Linguistics
  • S2 Literatura
  • S2 South East Area Studies

Faculty of Social and Political Science

Faculty of Administration Science

  • S2 Fiscal Administration Studies
  • S2 Business Administration Studies
  • S2 Public Administration Studies

Strategy and Global Studies

  • S2 American Studies
  • S2 European Studies
  • S2 Gender Studies
  • S2 Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
  • S2 Japanese Studies
  • S2 National Resilience
  • S2 Police Studies
  • S2 Terorism Studies
  • S2 Urban Studies

Environmental Science

  • S3 Environmental Science Studies
  • S2 Environmental Science Studies


Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian :

  • S2 Master of Land Administration
  • S2 Geological Engineering
  • S2 Earth Sciences
  • S2 Groundwater Engineering
  • S2 Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
  • S3 Geological Engineering
  • S3 Earth Sciences
  • S3 Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam :

  • S2 Mathematics
  • S2 Physics
  • S2 Astronomy
  • S2 Chemistry
  • S2 Actuarial Sciences
  • S2 Computational Sciences
  • S2 Teaching Mathematics
  • S2 Physics Teaching
  • S2 Chemistry Teaching
  • S2 Nuclear Scinece and Engineering
  • S3 Mathematics
  • S3 Physics
  • S3 Astronomy
  • S3 Chemistry
  • S3 Nuclear Engineering

Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain :

  • S2 Visual Arts
  • S2 Design
  • S3 Visual Arts and Design

Fakultas Teknologi Industri :

  • S2 Chemical Engineering
  • S2 Engineering Physics
  • S2 Industrial Engineering and Management
  • S2 Instrumentation and Control
  • S2 Master of Applied Logistics Oriented
  • S3 Chemical Engineering
  • S3 Engineering Physics
  • S3 Industrial Engineering and Management

Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara :

  • S2 Mechanical Engineering
  • S2 Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • S2 Material Engineering
  • S3 Mechanical Engineering
  • S3 Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • S3 Material Science and Engineering

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan :

  • S2 Civil Engineering
  • S2 Environmental Engineering
  • S2 Ocean Engineering
  • S2 Management of Water Clean Infrastructure and Sanitation
  • S2 Water Resources Management
  • S2 Highway Engineering and Development
  • S3 Civil Engineering
  • S3 Environmental Engineering 

Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan

  • S2 Mining Engineering
  • S2 Petroleum Engineering
  • S2 Geophysical Engineering
  • S2 Metallurgical Engineering
  • S2 Geothermal Engineering
  • S3 Mining Engineering
  • S3 Petroleum Engineering
  • S3 Geophysical Engineering

Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan :

  • S2 Development Studies
  • S2 Transportation
  • S2 Architecture
  • S2 Regional and City Planning
  • S2 Urban Design
  • S2 Tourism Planning
  • S2 Lanscape Architecture
  • S3 Transportation
  • S3 Architecture
  • S3 Regional and City Planning

Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen :

  • S2 Mater in Management Science
  • S2 Master of Business Administration
  • S2 Master of Business Administration (Kampus ITB Jakarta)
  • S3 Doctor in Science Management

Sekolah Farmasi :

  • S2 Pharmacy
  • S2 Master of Sport
  • S2 Pharmaceutical Industry
  • S3 Pharmacy

Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati :

  • S2 Biology
  • S2 Biotechnology
  • S3 Biology

Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika :

  • S2 Electrical Engineering
  • S2 Informatics Engineering
  • S3 Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Sekolah Pascasarjana :

  • S2 Nano Technology
  • S2 Nano Sciences and Technology

Multidisiplinary Program

  • Nanotechnology
  • Health Technology
  • Science Education 4.0
  • Digital Technopreneurship
  • Smart-X
  • Battery Materials
  • Disaster Science and Technology
  • Sustainable Bio-Tourism
  • Design Leadership


Faculty Of Social And Political Sciences

  • S2 International Relations
  • S2 Communication Studies
  • S2 Sociology
  • S2 Public Policy And Management
  • S2 Politics And Government
  • S2 Social Development And Welfare
  • S2 Master of Public Administration
  • S3 Public Policy And Management
  • S3 Politics And Governance
  • S3 Sociology

Faculty Of Acricultural Technology

  • S2 Master Program in Food and Science Technology
  • S2 Master Program in Estate Crop Technology
  • S2 Master Program in Agricultural Engineering
  • S2 Master Program in Agroindustrial Technology
  • S3 Doctoral Program in Food Science
  • S3 Doctoral Program in Agricultural Engineering
  • S3 Doctoral Program in Agroindustrial Technology

Faculty Of Animal Science

  • S2 Animal Science
  • S3 Animal Science

Faculty Of Economics And Bussiness

  • S2 Master of Business Administration

Faculty Of Law

  • S2 Master of Law


  • S3 Language Education
  • S3 Physical Education
  • S2 English Language Education
  • S2 Indonesian Language Education
  • S2 Economics
  • S2 Law
  • S2 Public Health
  • S2 Physical Education


  • S3 Linguistik
  • S3 Entomologi
  • S2 IPPW
  • S2 Linguistik
  • S2 PSP
  • S2 Agronomi
  • S2 Entomologi
  • S2 Ilmu Pangan
  • S2 IKM


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